Monday, November 13, 2006

Ministers and scientists in the same room?!

The hallway outside the banquet room was bustling as 200 ministers checked in for their “free breakfast,” sponsored by a local Christian radio station. It was part of October’s “Clergy Appreciation Month.” If you only knew what our beleaguered ministers have to go through for the privilege of “shepherding the flock.” One free breakfast (and a bag of freebies) is a step in the right direction.

In the adjoining meeting room was the “Scientific Society for the Study of the Origin of the Universe” (or something like that). Cool! What if somebody (mischievous me) switched the placards halfway through the reception period. We could end up with a room half full of ministers who profess to know the creator of the universe, and half full of scientists who are working up theories and details on exactly how the whole inter-galactic stew got cooked up.

The scientific and the spiritual. The physical and the metaphysical. Faith and works. Are they really that far apart? Now that would be some interesting table conversation.

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